
Meet Ted Sadler


Ted Sadler’s interest in technology developed at an early age, starting with a love for tinkering on his parents’ family computers. This fascination only grew, evolving into small business endeavors and a reputation among friends and family as the guy to go to when something was broken.

Gaining experience through university in helpdesk and audio-visual production, then through working at an MSP out of graduation, Ted eventually moved into infrastructure communications and now works full-time as a network engineer for a Metro Detroit communications firm. At home, he continues to keep his IT skills sharp whether it be outfitting his homelab with enterprise network equipment or assisting small businesses with their computer systems, hardware, and software.

Ted has always believed that technology is enabling and empowering and wants to make it accessible to people in a way that doesn’t intimidate them. Having been in technology for over a decade, he witnessed an all-too-common communication gap between technicians and the end users. His goal is help others by sharing his knowledge in a non-intimidating way, free of industry jargon and smoke and mirrors.

Through founding Thomas-Michael industries, Ted hopes to help businesses in the Blue Water Area leverage both new and existing technologies to their fullest potential, taking the work and complication out of IT so business owners and workers can do their jobs better, easier, and more efficiently.


Success in my career so far has been due to my ability to adapt to any challenge given to me. Over time I’ve developed some skills, both soft and some technical, that have been particularly valuable.

I believe that successful customer service relies not only on technical aptitude but the ability to fully understand customer needs and communicate solutions clearly and effectively.

Technical Skills

  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Linux Server Administration

  • Windows Server Administration

  • Proxmox Virtualization

  • Networking

  • VMWare Virtualization

  • Problem Solving & Troubleshooting

  • Project Engineering

Soft Skills

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Communication
  • Writing and Composition
  • Teaching and Education
  • Documentation
  • Organization

Professional Credentials

More Interesting Details

More important to Ted than anything else is his incredible wife and two beautiful daughters — the three biggest reasons he works hard every day.

When Ted is not tinkering with technology, he serves at Grace Life Baptist Church, where he is a deacon and teacher. He is extremely fascinated by theology and the history of the Church, as well as those ways in which the Church intersects with culture.

Hobbies and Interests

  • Homelab & Home Enterprise Networking

  • Theology & History

  • Home Automation

  • Server Administration

  • Gaming

  • Android

Praise From Our Clients

“TMI has been our IT support provider for a year. They have replaced our server, upgraded our online security, and networked our entire office. We have never had more than a 15 minute wait before TMI remoted in and fixed whatever issue we were having. They are professional and competent. I would highly recommend them.”

Becky Emerson, CVPM
North River Animal Hospital

Managed Services Client

“Absolutely what I needed for my tumbler creations! It’s perfect…makes perfectly straight lines! Thank you for keeping in touch with me and giving me updates on production of this product. It was worth the wait. Highly recommend this product.”


3D Printing Client

“Shop owner was courteous and helpful! His work is impeccable! I can’t wait so see what other helpful tools he has in store!”


3D Printing Client